Office Productivity
1. Libre Office
LibreOffice boasts the same six applications as Apache OpenOffice-Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base and Math-but the two suites differ in terms of applications features, usability and community support. Specifically, LibreOffice is often considered to be more actively developed than OpenOffice; the standard package, for example, offers PDF import, a presentation minimizer and a Wiki publisher. Users can expand functionality with extensions and templates as well. It works on: Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and BSD.
Alternative to: Microsoft office

2. Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice is a leading open-source office suite that offers free applications for word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, graphics, databases and more. All data is stored in an open standard format, though Open Office can also read and write files from other common office software. It can run on: Mac, Windows, Linux, and BSD.

3. Joeffice
Joeffice is a free and open source office software written in Java. It includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, database and drawing. It works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.