Information System
1. Dolibarr
Dolibarr ERP CRM is an open source, free software package for small and medium companies, foundations or freelancers. It includes different features for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) but also other features for different activities.
There are several feature modules that can be enabled or disabled, as needed. This software is free under GNU General Public License 3.0. It is a web-based application, and can therefore be used wherever an internet service is available. Dolibarr aims to offer free open source ERP and CRM features for people with no technical knowledge, by providing a simple solution.
Dolibarr includes all the important features of an ERP CRM suite. It is modular and is thus characterized by its ease of installation and use, despite the large number of features.
Some Dolibarr features include:
Main modules
Sales Management
Purchase Management
Customer Relationship Management
Products-and-services catalog
Stock Management
Bank account management
Payments management
Commercial proposals management
Standing orders management
Shipping management
Point of sale
Project Management

2. OrangeHRM
OrangeHRM has developed a human resources management solution (HRIS). The company offers an open-source, professional, & enterprise solution. The open-source solution is free while the professional and enterprise solutions are advanced hosted solutions (SaaS). OrangeHRM is released under the GNU General Public License.
The company was established in 2005. Their first beta release, in January 2006, was the first ever open source HRIS. Today the solution has more than 3 million users and the company has partners in the US, Europe and Asia. The architecture of the application targets startups, SMB, & enterprise organizations. OrangeHRM's professional & enterprise solutions offers many different modules, such as, personnel information management (PIM), leave & time off management, time & attendance management, recruiting & on-boarding, performance & training, travel & expense tracker, employment compliance, disciplinary tracking, orange app and other HR management tools.